- common name
- имя нарицательное
English-Russian glossary of linguistics terms. 2014.
English-Russian glossary of linguistics terms. 2014.
Common name — For the naming convention in Wikipedia, see WP:Common name. A common name of a taxon or organism (also known as a vernacular name, colloquial name, trivial name, trivial epithet, country name, popular name, or farmer s name) is a name in general… … Wikipedia
Common Name — Com|mon Name [ kɔmən neɪm; engl. common name = Gattungsname], der; s, s; Syn.: Generic Name, chemische Kurzbezeichnung: nach Art der ↑ Freinamen konstruierte Kunstwörter als Kurzbez. für die Wirkstoffe von Pflanzenbehandlungs u.… … Universal-Lexikon
common name — noun see common noun * * * common name, = common noun. (Cf. ↑common noun) … Useful english dictionary
Common name — In Novell Directory Services, every object has a name that is unique within its context in the directory structure. This name is known as the Common name when it refers to users, nodes, or servers. See also Distinguished Name … Dictionary of networking
Common Name — Com|mon Name [ neim] der; , s <aus gleichbed. engl. common name, eigtl. »allgemeiner Name«> Freiname, Warenname, der nicht für einen Hersteller od. Verteiler geschützt ist … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
common name — bendrinis vaistinės medžiagos pavadinimas statusas Aprobuotas sritis veterinariniai vaistai apibrėžtis Pasaulio sveikatos organizacijos rekomenduotas tarptautinis vaistinės medžiagos įvardijimas arba, jei tokio nėra, įprastinis bendrinis… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
common name — the vernacular name of a species, varying from place to place, by language and over time. Scientific names, in contrast, are in Latin or latinised Greek world wide and are subject to rules of usage that cannot apply to common names. Some common… … Dictionary of ichthyology
common name — /kɒmən ˈneɪm/ (say komuhn naym) noun 1. → common noun. 2. the vernacular name of a plant, animal, etc., as opposed to the name used in scientific classification …
common name — Colloquial or vernacular name; it should be noted that many cycad species do not have common names … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
common name — noun The name by which a species is known to the general public, rather than its taxonomic or scientific name … Wiktionary
common name — A colloquial or vernacular name … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology